Yup. It's true. If you have confessed Jesus, then you have been forgiven. John reminds his readers of this in 1 John 2:12-17.
Do you have a hard time accepting forgiveness? I do. Do you ever feel like you don't deserve forgiveness? I do. Do you ever try to work for forgiveness? I do. Ever feel like Satan reminds you of bad things you've done to hold you back? I do.
God wants us to overcome. He has prepared the way from us to overcome.
Overcome: succeed in dealing with a problem; defeat an opponent.
Focus on God and His will, not this world or Satan's lies. Those who know Him overcome the evil one because they are forgiven. Not from anything that you have done or could ever do. Only through His sacrifice.
You have been forgiven. You have overcome.
I'm linking up with Women in the Word Wednesdays and Moms Mustard Seed Planting.