Checking in for my first week of August! {See the details of my goals for August.}
- Reclaim my mornings: I did well getting up at 6:30am each morning this week. This morning was a little tough because Jacob woke up at 3am screaming. I did sneak a few extras minutes in bed this morning while waiting for Josh to finish in the shower. I feel like my days are running much more smoothly when I get up well before the boys.
- Reclaim my house: I'm on day 5 of 31 Days to Clean. The hardest challenge this week was cleaning the oven yesterday. I won't tell you how long it had been since my oven had been cleaned. {My mother is rolling in her grave while my stepmom and mother-in-law collectively gasp while reading this.} I had to enlist some muscle {aka Josh} last night to help me finish up, but it's done. Not perfect. Done.
- Research and Implement Blogging Best Practices: I'm using resources from Savvy Blogging and TentBlogger to improve my blog and start bringing in some income for my family. I'm in the researching stage to decide what big practice I want to implement first though I have implemented a couple of small things that I've learned this week.
I'm quite pleased with my first week. I feel like having this organization and accountability is really helping my motivation level.