We have a bad working definition of perfect. For me perfect means without failure or fault. It means never doing anything wrong. It means a standard that I can never really achieve.
No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us. 1 John 4:12
Biblically, perfect means mature, whole, complete, and at peace. The Greek word used in chapter 4 of 1 John for perfect is the same word use to translate the Hebrew word Shalom in many places in the Old Testament. You've probably heard that word. It means peace and wholeness.
Instead of striving for the world's idea of perfect, let's change out mindsets. Let's focus on God bringing wholeness, peace, and maturity instead of just trying to run from the shame of failure.
Only God can bring true perfection and wholeness. It comes through the greatest commandment: Love God. Love Others. And, in the end it's really more about who I am that what I do.
How are you living out perfect? By the world's definition or God's?
Want to read more about the true meaning of perfect try the New Bible Dictionary. I read it in Logos.
I'm linking up with Women in the Word Wednesdays and Moms Mustard Seed Planting.