My February 3 in 30 goals all revolve around my soon to be released ebook Finding Joy in Depression. See the details of my goals in my first post for this month.
- Complete the ebook layout and formats – We had family in town for Jonathan's birthday last weekend and I started a new VA job this week. I'm a little off my normal schedule so I didn't make much progress this week.
- Complete the website and social media channels – I add a few pages to the website, including a page about my wonderful sponsor, Apologia!
- Schedule reviews and giveaways – My mailing list continues to grow and I have arranged for two amazing guest post opportunities that I pray will reach moms who are hiding and hurting from depression. I think I'm just over half way to my goal of 25 reviews for the launch week.
I'm planning some focused time this weekend to work on the PDF layout and write those guest posts which are due in the next week or so.
Want to help me with my last goal? Sign up for the mailing list at the Finding Joy in Depression site and be sure to check the box that you're interested in reviewing the book.
I would also be so grateful if you'd pray for this project. This is a huge undertaking for me and my family, but more importantly pray that this book makes it into the hands of those who need to read it!