2016 is here and it is a time that we begin to make goals. Many people focus on a One Word that will help them with different areas of their lives. This can be confusing or hard to understand for kids – and yet, this is such a biblical concept. Here are 5 ways to help your kids make goals for the new year!
5 Ways to Help Your Kids Make Biblical Goals
- Be Wise Counsel- Kids have a hard time knowing areas of their lives that need to change. Yet, as their parents, we can help them look at their lives and pick areas that need to be worked on for the new year. We focus on the One Word in our house, as we feel like it is a more positive way to look at goals and resolutions. We take a night with each of our children, and talk through the last year of life. We talk about our good memories, but we also help them to think about the things that they struggled with. Speaking the truth in love to our children is okay. As parents, go into this time with a goal or idea of your own that you would like to character-train in your children this year. We need to be able to be wise counsel and eyes of discernment in our children's lives. (Proverbs 12:15)
- Pick a Verse (or two)- After we have decided on their One Word or thing they are going to work on for the year, we usually find a verse or two for them to memorize that goes along with this quality. This helps them know that the quality being trained in them is not only from you- but something that the Lord values as well. (Psalm 119:11)
- Accountability- Be sure to tell your child that you are here to help keep them accountable for this goal. This will help them see discipline or new rules or procedures in a positive light instead of a negative one. (Galatians 6:1)
- Make a Vision Board- Many children learn from hands-on activities- so have them make a vision board for their one word or goal. Have them draw or cut out pictures or write verses or thoughts down that will help them remember their goal or word for the year. Place this somewhere they can see it daily. (Proverbs 29:18)
- Reward them- Plan something awesome for December for when they make their goal or for a job well done. There is nothing wrong with rewarding positive behavior. The Lord plans on rewarding us for doing the things He has left us here to do – so make sure your kids know how proud you are of them!
I hope these ideas will help you as you help your children become goal-oriented – for the right reasons!