Earlier this month we shared a little roundup of methods and resources for helping your kids memorize scripture. Today, we're giving you another great tool in this worthy effort: the Family Scripture Memory Challenge! The goal is to choose great verses to hide in your hearts and track them on the free printable scripture log below.
You can plan ahead a month or a week at a time, writing down the verses you plan to learn and checking them off as you go. Write them in pencil! Progress is important for motivating your family, but sometimes life happens. It's better to start over or move things around than to drop it completely.
For extra encouragement and help, we'll be providing some printable scripture cards each month with verses and passages that you can memorize together. First up is Psalm 1, so print out your Scripture Memory Challenge Log and get your family ready to hide God's word in their hearts!
Dated printable. No longer available.
Need a place to store your memory verses and a way to keep them fresh? Try a Scripture Memory Box!