Did you see my big goals for May? Vacation kept me from getting very far on my goals over the last two weeks….
- Pay $500 a month on our HELOC. Money is slowly coming in from various VA/TA avenues, but I haven't caught up on post-vacation financial records to know how much has come in this month. I welcomed 3 new WordPress maintenance clients to my business in the last month!
- Find an “SOAP” all of the verses in the Bible using the word “perfect.” I was hoping to do a lot of this on vacation. I did a lot more napping than study…
- Design the branding for my virtual and technical assistance services and distribute a button for my clients to display. I have some ideas worked up. Now to start putting it on the screen!
Goals and accountability are crucial to success. What are your goals this month and who are you allowing to keep you accountable?