It seems like time is in short supply, but the reality is that we all have the same 24 hours in a day and 7 days in a week to work with. It's all about how we use those hours and days. We can continue to live in the chaos or we can change our mindset and put systems in place to increase productivity. Even if you're a pretty productive person, I'm guessing that you're still looking for ways to tweak and increase your productivity.

How can you increase productivity? One way is to learn from others who have found systems that work and then adapting those systems for your own life. I want to share two resources that have helped me do that.
First, I want to introduce you to Phylicia Masonheimer. She's spent years studying habits and productivity and learning how to apply it to her own life. She's passionate about helping people find more time to do what they love. She's also a great Bible teacher who I love to follow on Instagram. Her Insta-stories are always full of pointed but grace-filled teaching and encouragement, mostly on topics of dating/singleness, early married life, intimacy, and motherhood, especially mothering littles.
Phylicia has created the Driven Women Productivity Course. I joined this course a few months ago and have been slowly making my way through it. She does a great job leading you through topics like figuring out why you want to be productive, responding to failure, hacks for various life stages, and much more. She recently added a module that helps you understand your Myers-Briggs type in relationship to productivity.
As mom with chronic health issues who also juggles homemaking, homeschooling, and working from home, it can be easy to live in the extremes. I can be really hard on myself for not doing enough and then swing to being too permissive with myself and falling into laziness. I love Phylicia's grace-filled, no nonsense approach to productivity. It's all about rolling with the ups and downs, figuring out what works in your season of life, and getting back up again when you fail. She is a wonderfully encouraging guide for this journey and I have gleaned so much from this course.
Second, I love Trello, but it can be an overwhelming system when you first look at it. So many features and options! They have some great tutorials, but sometimes it helps to see how someone else is implementing the system to help you figure out how to tweak it for yourself. This is where Organize Your Life with Trello comes in.
This course was created by two moms, Cara Harvey and Elisa Giorgio. They take you through the basics of the features and how to use Trello. Then they show you example board after example board and walk you through how to actually use Trello on a daily basis to contain and process all of the information and tasks in your life. I had the opportunity to get in as a beta tester last summer for this course. I've watched as they have expanded this course and added more video tutorials to organize every area of your life.
I tried to go fully digital a few years ago. I stopped using a paper planner. I feel like I failed. It just didn't work. I need digital holding places but I still need paper for my day to day. I love using Trello to plan the bigger picture and hold information (along with Evernote, Google Calendar, and Dropbox). Organizing Your Life with Trello has helped me set up systems for meal planning, longer term to do list, vacation planning, and more. Then I pull from that information each week to fill out my planner and roll with the daily punches.
Because I want to help you increase your productivity in 2019, I am giving away a copy of each of these courses! There will be 2 winners, one for each course. To enter to win, use the form below!
a Rafflecopter giveawayWinners will be notified on Monday, February 18 and will have 48 hours to respond and claim their course or another winner will be chosen.