By now, you've passed the half way mark in your school year if you follow a traditional school year calendar. This isn't usually the time that you'd think about making a plan for the next school year, but maybe you should be thinking about it. Winter tends to be a blah time. We get depressed. Our kids aren't as motivated to do their school work. And then what happens? We start to question our homeschooling. Instead of falling into that trap, let's use it to our advantage this year!
I like to plan and be organized, but let's face the truth: Things change. Things don't work. New opportunities come along. Then I find myself frustrated with the plan. I have to leave margin in my planning to be spontaneous and to take unexpected breaks.
Read how I break my planning down by year, term, 4-6 week detailed chunks, and weekly/daily adjustments over at The Homeschool Classroom where I'm a monthly contributor.