I'm blogging my way through Raising Real Men with The MOB Society. If you missed a post in the series, head to the Raising Real Men Introduction to catch up. Today, I'm in chapter 7.
Chapter 7
- They all have one thing common, though: they love to feel needed. pg. 117
- We can afford to ruin a lot of cakes, turn a lot of underwear pink, or buy way too much spray cleaner if it helps our sons develop skills to better serve the family. The time and occasional expense we “waste” teaching them are an investment in the efficient running of our home – and theirs, one day. pg. 120
We started showing Jonathan how to do things, real things, very early. Now it doesn't mean he also wants to do these things, but also keep in mind, he's only 5. He knows how to put the silverware away. He can help mix up pancake batter. He knows how to clean his bathroom. We're still in a stage of walking with him during many of these things, but soon he'll be able to start doing them on his own.
The progression of learning is:
- Show your child.
- Do it with your child.
- Watch your child do it.
- Let your child do it on their own.
Let's talk! What real things do you allow your kids to do and at what age? How do you teach them? Share your thoughts in the comments.