I'm in the process of sharing quotes, tidbits, and reflections from the various sessions at the Apologia Live Retreat which I had the opportunity to attend recently. Start here to read about my over all experience at the Apologia Live Retreat and head over to this post to read reflections from other sessions.
How to Ask for Forgiveness
with Elizabeth Smith
Elizabeth talked a lot about reaching the hearts of our children. Kids are very reactionary and one of the things we can do to break down barriers is knowing how to ask for forgiveness. She gave these 5 tips for how to ask for forgiveness:
- Do it in person
- Work out the wording ahead of time.
- Take full responsibility.
- Use the word forgive.
- Say exactly what you did to offend.
It takes a lot of humility to ask your kids to forgive you. I had to ask Jonathan's forgiveness the other day when I got upset and yelled at him. Ever have a time when you had to ask your child for forgiveness?