I personally didn't read either of these books. I caught bits and pieces reading over his shoulder and I heard plenty of the story line as Jonathan would share with me the cool things that were happening in the books. As a parent, I love watching Jonathan get into the story and read more than one chapter at a time because he's so excited to see what will come next.
A note about reading level: These books are written for ages 7+ with a Grade 2 reading level. My regular readers know that Jonathan is only 5.5 years old. He's an early reader with a reading level around Grade 3-4. From a comprehension stand point, he understood most of what was going on without any help.
I did make a free printable to help him pick out important pieces of information in the story. They are generic pages that you can use with your kids for any of The Imagination Station books. Jump over to this post to read more about the printables and download your copy.
So what did Jonathan think? Spoiler alerts ahead!
He liked that the Fijians on Canibal Island became Christians. He was quite excited at the end of the book when he read that they learned about Jesus and chose to follow him. He said his favorite book was #9. He liked the bombs – such a boy! He was also very happy that the baby that Patrick and Beth were caring for survived.
If you're looking for a new series for your early to middle elementary kids, The Imagination Station books are great option, for boys and girls. Have your kids read any of these books? Share with us in the comments.