Superman Jacob is flying through my house today. Mostly saving and parking cars. #boymom
A Shelter for the Heart
By Cheri Gamble
Cheri Gamble is a minister's wife and mom to five boys who lives in Southwestern Lower Michigan. She and her husband, Tom, have been married for over twenty years and they have been involved with vocational ministry for just as long. Cheri enjoys working with the children and youth at her church as a Sunday School teacher, children's worship leader, and children's music and drama leader. She also serves as a volunteer consultant at the local Pregnancy Resource Center. She has authored devotionals, Bible curriculum and Easter plays and her most recent devotional, "My Brother's Feet Smell as Bad as Noah's Ark (and 30 other devotions that stink!)" is written specifically for children. In her free time, Cheri enjoys reading, writing, working on her blog, and watching football with her boys.