Today, we’re going to double up and discuss the postscript and resources chapters. I originally had them split up on the schedule, but they are short and go together well. There’s no place like home…with God in it. pg. 331 As homeschoolers and even more as Christ-followers, we have to remember that the goal is…
10 Tips for Giving 31 Days to Clean as a Christmas Gift
Still looking for Christmas gift ideas? How about the 31 Days to Clean ebook? You’re probably thinking: “Why would I give someone a book about cleaning?” Hang with me… I have 10 tips for how you can give 31 Days to Clean as a gift – 5 tips are people who’d benefit from reading the book and 5 tips are creative ways to give it as a gift. Ready?
Grace for the Good Girl – Chapter 6 and 7
Reflections on Grace for the Good Girl chapters 6 and 7 – “rule-follower” and “can’t fall apart”
Educating the Wholehearted Child ~ Chapter 18
Chapter 18 of Educating the WholeHearted Child is all about finding support. Here are some places that you can find support as a homeschooler whether you’re a veteran homeschooler or just figuring how to homeschool:
Seasons of a Mother’s Heart ~ Recap
This is the conclusion of my series on the must read for homeschool moms book Seasons of a Mother’s Heart. Jump to any post in the series from here.