Day 8 Pray: Servant’s Heart Pray the scriptures about having a Servant’s heart over your sons. Any stories to share? Leave a comment.
21 Days of Prayer for Sons: Day 7
Day 7! Wow, we’ve been at this for a whole week now! Pray: Purity Pray the scriptures about purity over your sons. What are you learning through this? Any changes in your sons? Any insights on your sons? In praying about avoiding foolishness, I was reminded about how we tell Jonathan to make good choices….
21 Days of Prayer for Sons: Day 6
Day 6 Pray: Pride Pray the scriptures about pride over your sons. No readings or study questions today. What have you learned so far? How’s it going? Any stories? I’m learning that even though my sons are young, they are still need of prayer. I’m learning that no matter how hard I try, I just…
21 Days of Prayer for Sons: Day 5
Welcome to Day 5! Read: Men Set Apart I love the story of Daniel. What a fine young man. Educated and stands firm in his beliefs. He chose God in the face of great danger. You dream of him being a man of integrity, a man of principle, and a man who loves Jesus. You…
21 Days of Prayer for Sons: Day 4
Day 4 Read: What Are We Aiming For? Raising Godly men is not about getting right behavior. It is about reaching their hearts. But the hardest part is You cannot change the hearts of your boys. We have to do our best to be good examples and provide good examples. We have to get on…