This week we're reading Chapter 12 of Pitchin' A Fit! by Israel and Brook Wayne and finishing the book! Join us in the Family Discipleship Facebook group. Read the details of how to jump in here.
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Find Accountability
We've talked a lot over the last few weeks about what anger is, how destructive it is, and that we must let go of it. But, change is hard. It begins with confession and forgiveness.
Maybe your anger has grown beyond what you can handle on your own? Then it's time to look for someone who can help you. You need someone to keep you accountable. This might be a spouse or a friend, but should not be your children. You need someone who can point you back to what you've learned, to scripture, and pray for you as you move forward.
Change is possible. It probably won't be a change where you never fail. It won't be perfection. Through Jesus Christ, life change and spiritual maturity is possible. And He can forgive you for even your habit of anger.
What was your biggest take away from this chapter? Share with me in the comments!