I often have people ask me about which story in the Bible is my favorite. I almost always tell them that it’s the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders in Matthew. The interesting thing is though, when someone asks me what my least favorite story in the Bible is, I give the same answer.
Meeting God in the Silence
Silence is difficult. We are surrounded by noise. TV, radio, voices – true moments of silence seem few and far between. Many of us find silence uncomfortable. I know a lot of people who need music or television to fall asleep. I find myself turning on the TV or the radio when I’m home alone…
Lenten Disciplines
It may sound strange, but Lent is one of my favorite times in the church calendar. Lent is the season that lasts for forty days (not including Sundays) from Ash Wednesday to Easter. The purpose of Lent is for Christians to prepare for Easter. Some people observe fasting and set aside time for reflection on…
Why I Believe in Intergenerational Worship
I grew up as a military brat, which means as a young child I moved around a bit. However, for most of my growing up years we were stationed in a small community in Southern Arizona. I was fortunate enough to be a part of two different faith communities while growing up there, and both…
Who is my neighbor?
Turning on the news lately has been depressing to say the least. Fighting (both domestically and internationally), hateful words being spoken, riots–it seems never-ending. I keep coming back to the words “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your strength and with all your mind,…