Boys love action, adventure, daring, and a little bit of crazy!
One fun way to get in the Word with your boys is to do some character studies with them. Of course, Jesus is the main character in the Bible! However, it can be fun to read about and discuss the characteristics of these biblical men, discussing how their example applies to our lives today.
Although these characters are certainly good ones to study with your girls, they can bring special insight for boys into the characteristics of godly men. Their strengths, weaknesses, and choices they made can be a powerful lesson! Use these stories and characters to explore how they gave glory to God, how God used them in spite of their flaws, and how we can relate to them and learn from them today.
Studying Bible Character Profiles Together
Pick one of the Bible people or stories listed below to start with. Read their story in a regular or children's Bible and then try discussing some of the following with them:
- Draw a picture of him.
- What are the main events in his story?
- List some of his character traits, both good and bad.
- What can we learn from him about being a godly man?
- How did God use him for good in spite of his weaknesses?
- What is one question you'd ask him?
With all of these biblical figures, we can see that God uses the most unlikely characters to do His good work. The Lord is constantly working on us just as he was with these men. In spite of failures and weaknesses, and even because of them, God can show Himself strong in and through us.
Bible Characters Boys Love
Here is a list to get you started, along with a few points about each character to consider:
- Noah (Genesis 5-8) – Faithful to God even when nobody else was, followed God's instructions, building the ark, offerings to God after landing
- Joseph (Genesis 37-50) – Importance of kindness and loyalty in families, diligence, mercy, God's plans for Joseph and his family, God can bring good things out of bad situations
- Moses – (Exodus) God's plan for his life (protected as a baby), used by God in spite of shortcomings to help Israelites to freedom, faith in God, leadership
- Joshua (book of Joshua) – Battle of Jericho, leadership, faithfulness, choosing to serve and follow God, God is powerful and can do anything, God keeps His promises
- Gideon (Judges 6-7) – Faithfulness and obedience to God in spite of opposition, God can do the impossible, giving honor to God instead of taking credit ourselves
- Sampson (Judges 13-16) – The dire consequences of sin and disobedience, true strength comes from God and is for His purposes
- David (1 and 2 Samuel) – Man after God's own heart, boy that became king, shepherd (killed lion), bravery from trusting God (killed Goliath), respect for authority/leaders (Saul), consequences of sin, obedience rewarded, forgiveness
- Elijah (1 Kings 17-19, 2 Kings 2) – Faith in God's authority over all others, victory over the false prophets, importance of keeping eyes on God instead of our circumstances, listen to His voice and obey, taken up to heaven in a whirlwind
- Daniel (book of Daniel) – Integrity, faith in God's provision (lion's den), uncompromising faith in God, compassion toward others, respect for leaders, devotion to prayer in good times and bad
- Jonah (book of Jonah) – Swallowed by a big fish, repentance, the consequences of disobeying, God's great mercy, trusting God's purposes instead of our own agendas
- John the Baptist (gospels) – whole-hearted belief in Christ, dedication to God's purposes for his life in spite of mockers, witnessing for Jesus, standing firm in faith
- Peter (gospels) – God is always working on us, finding courage in following Christ (walked on water), forgiveness (forgiven for denying Christ), teachable (corrected by Jesus), the unlikely hero from a common background (fisherman)
- Paul (Acts) – God can save anyone, zeal for Christ, anyone can be a bold witness for Christ, humility, boasting in the Lord, diligence, used powerfully in spite of weaknesses
Do your boys have a particularly favorite Bible character? Who would you add to this list?
Want a resource to help you study? Use this character worksheet!
Free Bible Character Profile

Get this free Bible Character Profile Sheet to help your kids study characters in the Bible!