For the last couple of months, I've been hosting hosting a book discussion with the Family Discipleship team on Israel and Brook Wayne's new book Pitchin' A Fit: Overcoming Angry and Stressed Out Parenting (New Leaf Press, 2016). Many of you have joined in and we've had some great conversations in the Facebook group. Hopefully, reading through the book has helped spark new thoughts on patient and nurturing parenting. If you haven't had a chance to read the book, you really should pick up a copy and read it. I really feel like this could be a game changer in families.
We're nearing the end of our discussion on this book. We'll be wrapping up our discussions of Pitchin' A Fit on June 24, and we wanted to celebrate with a giveaway. Our next book discussion will start September 5, 2016. I'll have more detail on that soon! But, to finish out this book discussion, several of the admins for the Family Discipleship group, New Leaf Press, and Israel and Brook Wayne have combined resources to host a giveaway for all four of Israel Wayne's books (and Brook Wayne co-authored Pitchin' a Fit!). Thank you to New Leaf Press and Israel and Brook Wayne for contributing the books!
Family Discipleship Giveaway ($100+)
Keep reading to find out what's included in the giveaway…

“A typical working parent spends just 19 minutes a day looking after their children. In contrast, many children spend about 6 hours per day in school, plus over 7.5 hours per day in media consumption. Add to that the time children spend with their friends or on extra-curricular activities, and it is clear that most American children are not truly being raised by their own parents.
Consequently, studies indicate that as many as 65-88% of all Christian youth leave the faith around their freshman year of college (or before) and never return).
Increasingly, many parents are determining to take back the raising of their own children. They are not content to be a part-time babysitter for their child. They want to be Full-time Parents. Learn how to take the steps towards becoming a Full-time Parent, or learn how to be a better one.”

“ANGER DESTROYS FAMILIES. You don't have to let it destroy yours.
Parenting comes with stresses that can make the most laid-back among us feel irritable, frustrated, and angry. Even parents who sincerely love their children sometimes use the wrong methods of anger and frustration in an attempt to control their children. But angry parenting doesn't just weaken relationships between parents and their children; it can, over time, destroy them. Few parents set out to become yelling meanies who no longer enjoy their children. Yet many feel stuck, unable to pull themselves out of their ugly habits. This book:
- Provides practical and biblical solutions to get to the other side of the issue
- Gives hope and freedom from the tyranny of stressed-out and angry parenting
- Offers solutions that are ideal for any family.
If anger is in your home even in small ways this book is for you. It is time to replace that anger with something more powerful: patience and peace. Israel and Brook share candidly from their experience as parents.”

“Why would God ask anyone a question? We ask questions when we don't understand. Yet, the Creator of the universe who spoke all that we see into being asks questions. Unimaginable power and wisdom are already His. As strange as it may seem to us, the Bible is filled with questions God asks. He is not the one who needs answers – these questions help us to understand both God and ourselves.
- Delve into the answers found by Job, Adam, Cain, Moses, Joshua, Elijah, and others
- Examine our fundamental assumptions about God, human nature, relationships, origins, and purpose
Learn about godly character and God's transforming message
Find a powerful supplement for family worship, Bible study, and personal devotions in the Questions God Asks. Stop demanding answers from God and begin answering the questions He asks of us.”
This is a wonderful devotional for parents–and for middle and high school students! Read the Thinking Kids review.

“Questions penetrate the heart and probe our deepest motives.
Jesus rarely answered questions He was asked, but instead turned the tables by asking a piercing question of His own. Questions Jesus Asks goes through a broad spectrum of these, dealing with issues like morality, suffering, humility, faith, and much more.
- Explore the unique paradox of Jesus' divinity and humanity
- Be challenged by the questions Jesus asks each of us
- Learn more about Jesus and find the answers to your own life's questions.
John 17:3 tells us: “And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” There is no higher purpose in life than the knowledge of God through His Son. Prepare to learn far more about God and the nature of Jesus than you thought was possible. Jesus asks penetrating questions that cut passed the pretense and reach the target of our hearts.”
This is another great devotional for parents–and for middle and high school students! Read the Thinking Kids review.
We're also including a $50 Amazon gift card. You can use that for a need, or just something that makes you happy!
The giveaway uses a raffle entry system. Each entry gives you more “tickets”, and thus a greater chance to win.
Giveaway open to residents of the U.S., age 18 and older. Winner must respond to email within 48 hours. Giveaway will end on June 27, 2016 at 11:59pm PST.