This is your simple go-to guide to finding printables at The Pelsers. Those in italics are coming soon. Subscribe to The Pelsers by email and you'll be one of the first to know when new printables have been posted.
Ancient History
***SOTW refer to Story of the World, which is the spine we're using for our Ancient History / 1st Grade studies. Ancient History is Volume 1. Chapters are given to show correspondance, but that does not imply endorsement by or the affiliation with Story of the World, Peace Hill Press, etc. The ancient history printables can be matched up and used with any history program or plan.
- The Earliest People Word Search (SOTW Ch. 1)
- Egyptians Lived on the Nile River Word Search (SOTW Ch. 2)
- The First Writing Word Search (SOTW Ch. 3)
- Boy of the Pyramids Notebooking Pages
- Abraham and Joseph Notebooking pages (SOTW Ch. 6)
Modern History
- Charlotte Mason Style Scripture Memory Box Dividers
- Books of the Bible Copywork
- Child Training in Progress Image
- Abraham and Joseph Notebooking pages
- Be Thankful Copywork and Notebooking Pages
- Christmas Nativity
- Genesis Bible Reading Journal
- Exodus Bible Reading Journal
- Matthew Bible Reading Journal
- Mark Bible Reading Journal
- Luke Bible Reading Journal
- 2 Thessalonians Copywork Pack
- Fruit of the Spirit Copywork Pack
- 10 Things Moms Wish They Could Go Back and Tell Themselves about Homeschooling
- Printable Christmas Gift Tags
Printable and Notebooking Tips & FAQs
- Where can I get more pre-made printables? Try
- How can I make my own copywork sheets? I use Fonts 4 Teachers fonts in manuscript and cursive for tracing and blank lines.
- What program should I use to create printables and notebooking pages? I work on a Mac. I use a combination of Apple iWork Pages and Adobe InDesign as well as Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Acrobat Professional. For PC users, Microsoft Word and Publisher are good options. Programs as simple as the free Open Office Suite can be used to make your own pages. also has an online notebooking creator that members may use.
- Will you make …. for me? Maybe. Contact me and we'll see what we can work out.