Rachael Carman’s talk at Apologia Live encouraged us to love, laugh, then learn.
Top Ten {Tuesday} – 10 Confessions from a Stay-at-Home(schooling)-Work-at Home-Mom
I’m not perfect. 10 Confessions from this stay-at-home(schooling)-work-at-home-mom.
Apologia Live: Discipleship with Rachael Carman
Rachael Carman’s Nuts & Bolts session challenged moms to find the right perspective with discipline, discernment, diligence, and delight.
Reflections from Apologia Live: Homeschooling in the Elementary Years with Zan Tyler
Encouragement from Zan Tyler on homeschooling in the elementary years.
Reflections from Apologia Live
Quotes, tidbits, and reflections from the various sessions at the Apologia Live Retreat.