My boys and I love teaching visuals! They are perfect to attach to the wall or whiteboard for easy accessibility during our learning.
As a Bible teaching mom, I find that I need as many Biblically-themed visuals as I can get my hands on because there's so much content to cover. That said, I could never list all the teaching resources we use to teach the Bible, but I'd like to share one we use during Holy Week for the day of Jesus' death.
Holy Week is always a Sabbath week in our home and homeschool. We never school this week. Instead, we spend time purposefully learning about the last week of Jesus' life and what it means for today. It's a sweet time of service, sacrifice, surrender, and learning. Each year, we gain so much it's worth it all over again.
Seven Ways to Remember Christ's Death is a visual teaching aid we use to demonstrate Christ's character, teach His death, and realize God's plan to redeem man. I attach the Jesus piece to our whiteboard and each day we add a saying around the cross, read the corresponding Scripture, and discuss. I'll have activities, crafts, and/or worship songs planned to pair well too.
Bible Class Workshop is my go-to place for Bible visuals! Their resources have blessed our homeschool so much with our Old Testament and Life of Christ studies in the past years. If you're like me and become overjoyed at the thought of visually teaching your kids the Bible, you'll be very pleased with their store.
Happy Resurrection! He died for you.