We're continuing to discuss Pitchin' A Fit! by Israel and Brook Wayne in the Family Discipleship Facebook Group. We'd love for you to join us! We're discussing a chapter a week for the next 12 weeks. Read the details of how to jump in here.
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God's Anger
God's anger is balanced with justice. He does what is best for us even when we don't understand. But our human anger rarely gives us the results that we desire.
Human Anger
Anger is a natural, fleshly respond. But, we are supposed to be Spirit-led. Anger is not a fruit of the Spirit. So, is anger ever ok?
Some of that depends on whether you're referring to the feeling of anger or the expression of anger. It is acting on anger that gets us in trouble and can be sin. We are to be self-controlled. Self-control is a fruit of the Spirit.
We do not have God's infinite wisdom, love, or holiness. When we get angry, it is most often not properly founded or directed. It's a flesh response rather than a Spirit response.
In the end, anger is not necessarily wrong, but our expression of it might be.
What was your biggest take away from this chapter? Share with me in the comments!