The world our kids are growing up in is full of media. Our children are constantly presented the opportunity to view, read, or listen to a constant diet of material—good and bad. So how do we teach them to navigate media? In the early years, we do it for them. Just like we protect our…
Kids in the Word
Everything Else Is Just Overflow
We all have busy lives. Believe me, I know. I am a mama to 5 little humans. Real live humans, who require constant help with tying shoes, washing hair, packing lunches, and the never-ending task of helping with homework and projects (and taking LEGO pieces apart). I am also a wife to a man in…
Teaching Handwriting with the Bible
Handwriting is like reading. It’s one of those necessary life skills we all must learn. And we must teach our children too! My middle son is 4 and currently learning to read and write. His reading is better than his writing at this point. His fine-motor skills need more time and practice to develop. But, what…
What Does God Say About Sibling Relationships?
He hit me. She took my toy. It’s not my fault. He started it! I’m sure things like this are never heard at your house… but I’ll admit that these statements are said far too often at my house with three wild and crazy boys. And I said them as a kid when fighting with…
Meeting God in the Silence
Silence is difficult. We are surrounded by noise. TV, radio, voices – true moments of silence seem few and far between. Many of us find silence uncomfortable. I know a lot of people who need music or television to fall asleep. I find myself turning on the TV or the radio when I’m home alone…