When Josh came to me in 2009 and talked about the “Holy Week” that was right around the corner, and that he had some activities he wanted to implement in our family devotions to help our kids grasp what this season is really about, I had NO IDEA what Holy Week even was. We dove in head first and after researching it myself I had my own ideas to add to the table. We had our entire week planned out and had a blast with the kids putting everything into play. In fact, this week has become one of our family's all-time favorite times of the year! After participating in and blogging about our family activities for Holy Week we began to get a lot of feedback and questions about how we did our activities. Other resources we used? Key instructions for how it all tied into Easter Sunday? All this got the wheels in my head turning. I could just write it all down in one place so everyone would have a guide to use with their family as well. Once I got to work on writing it all out, my husband, a worship leader and songwriter, got his melodies in gear and wrote a song to go along with each week. Christmas is a great time of year, don't get me wrong, but Easter is the event that sets our God high above all the rest! He has conquered death and has been made a savior for all mankind. Please join us on February 18, 2015, at the beginning of Lent season, to bring this world-changing event to life for your kids! Because Easter is so much bigger than the bunny!
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Tell us in the comments: How do you usually celebrate Lent, Holy Week, and Easter with your kids?